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Community-made Tapestries are created by local stakeholders and community members who receive training from CyArk to capture 3D data, record interviews, and design and develop the narrative of the virtual experience. These collaborative projects empower communities to share their unique stories and histories with a global audience.
Casa Barrientos, was built 1864 by Don Ramón Barrientos in Izalco, El Salvador and stands as an architectural and cultural emblem of the region. Its design and symbolism vividly reflect the community's history. After 26 months of careful restoration, the house reopened its doors as a House for Culture in 2023. This restoration project, led by the Izalco Municipal government, received support from the U.S. embassy in El Salvador. More than just a building, Casa Barrientos symbolizes tradition, faith, and the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
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El Kurru & The Tomb of Tanwetamani
A 2,500 year old tomb protected by the local community
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Casa Barrientos, was built 1864 by Don Ramón Barrientos in Izalco, El Salvador and stands as an architectural and cultural emblem of the region. Its design and symbolism vividly reflect the community's history. After 26 months of careful restoration, the house reopened its doors as a House for Culture in 2023. This restoration project, led by the Izalco Municipal government, received support from the U.S. embassy in El Salvador. More than just a building, Casa Barrientos symbolizes tradition, faith, and the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
Izalco volcano erupting. 1921 - Scene 1
The Izalco Volcano, often called the "Lighthouse of the Pacific" due to its regular eruptions visible from the sea, is one of El Salvador's iconic landmarks. Born in 1770, it erupted almost continuously until 1958. Now dormant, its majestic presence in Cerro Verde National Park attracts countless visitors keen on its volcanic history.
This Tapestry experience was created as part of the Community Heritage Exchange Initiative with support from the U.S. State Department. Special thanks to Néstor Guillén and the municipality of Izalco for their help in developing this experience.
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