Welcome to Ouro Preto, a UNESCO World Heritage town in Minas Gerais, Brazil, known for its historic gold extraction and Baroque architecture. Join our tour of Mina du Veloso to explore the town's lesser-known narrative of the Afro-Brazilian Community and their significant contributions.
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Cliff Palace
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Nestled in the heart of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Ouro Preto's captivating story unfolds around Mina du Veloso, an 18th-century gold mine. Discover the hidden chapters of the Afro-Brazilian community, an integral part of the city's rich narrative. Traverse the linked galleries, where the miners' stories echo through time, and witness the architectural marvels born from Ouro Preto's golden era. The tour also prompts reflection on the impact of climate change, underscoring the need to safeguard this unique history.
Paque Ruins - Scene 1
This drone image shows the Paque ruins, a site with several mining structures, near Mina Du Veloso
This tour was possible thanks to the support of Iron Mountain.
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